If you go into a locker room or the athletes often go to the Fitness Center you might have seen written or heard talk of VO2max? or you have to be tested by your physical education teacher to run back and forth to adjust the sound of “TUT …!” It is one measure VO2 Max test.

Let us discuss a little … what’s VO2max …?
Sooner than fatigue suffered by a person can be estimated from the aerobic capacity of the relevant person. showed aerobic capacity oxygen capacity maximal is used by the body (VO2max). Therefore, one measurement of physical fitness levels among the VO2max measurement. as we know, oxygen is the fuel our bodies. Oxygen is needed by the muscles to each action. The more oxygen is absorbed by the body showed better  muscles workout that substances that cause fatigue remains minimal amount. VO2max was measured in the number of oxygen in liters per minute (Lt / min) or the amount of oxygen in milliliters per body weight in kilograms per minute (ml / kg / min). Able to enter the body of oxygen (O2) through Cardio-respiratory and this ability is called the O2 uptake (VO2). Concept Cardio-respiration is the transport of oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and transport nutrients. The second system Cardio (circulation) and respiration (breathing) can not be separated since the two systems work together and are “serial”. means that one function / bad parts, then the function will be bad too.
Before the test, let’s see VO2max maximal uptake in a variety of groups both for athletes and non-athletes … in the following table:
Now let’s test your VO2mak how …! like the title above “what is your VO2max”?
How to calculate …
Go to the website: (http://www.health-calc.com/fitness-tests/bleep-test)
Try it …! you will be able to directly measure how your VO2max, because not only are the athletes must have a good VO2max … know why … Ask Dora …
Dora must answer
“because you also need not only the health of athletes are healthy and fit!”
Good luck …! then look at the data below criteria including VO2max criteria which you …!!!
Normative data for VO2max
Female (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <25.0 25.0 – 30.9 31.0 – 34.9 35.0 – 38.9 39.0 – 41.9 >41.9
20-29 <23.6 23.6 – 28.9 29.0 – 32.9 33.0 – 36.9 37.0 – 41.0 >41.0
30-39 <22.8 22.8 – 26.9 27.0 – 31.4 31.5 – 35.6 35.7 – 40.0 >40.0
40-49 <21.0 21.0 – 24.4 24.5 – 28.9 29.0 – 32.8 32.9 – 36.9 >36.9
50-59 <20.2 20.2 – 22.7 22.8 – 26.9 27.0 – 31.4 31.5 – 35.7 >35.7
60+ <17.5 17.5 – 20.1 20.2 – 24.4 24.5 – 30.2 30.3 – 31.4 >31.4
Male (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <35.0 35.0 – 38.3 38.4 – 45.1 45.2 – 50.9 51.0 – 55.9 >55.9
20-29 <33.0 33.0 – 36.4 36.5 – 42.4 42.5 – 46.4 46.5 – 52.4 >52.4
30-39 <31.5 31.5 – 35.4 35.5 – 40.9 41.0 – 44.9 45.0 – 49.4 >49.4
40-49 <30.2 30.2 – 33.5 33.6 – 38.9 39.0 – 43.7 43.8 – 48.0 >48.0
50-59 <26.1 26.1 – 30.9 31.0 – 35.7 35.8 – 40.9 41.0 – 45.3 >45.3
60+ <20.5 20.5 – 26.0 26.1 – 32.2 32.3 – 36.4 36.5 – 44.2 >44.2

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